Healthy food has gotten a bad rap over the years, mostly because it’s often used as a four-letter word. People think eating healthy means giving up delicious treats in favor of tasteless cardboard, and they’re too impatient to figure out how to make good-for-you meals without breaking the bank or spending their entire day in the kitchen. Fortunately, healthy food can be just as delicious as unhealthy food, and learning how to make it taste good doesn’t have to be difficult or take up all your time.
How Eating Clean Can Save Your Life
The notion that being healthy and fit can only happen if you deprive yourself of what you want and need, has become outdated. Good nutrition, as we now know it, means you should eat the things your body needs and wants without depriving it. Healthy foods are nutrient-dense and rich in antioxidants, which boost your immunity so you don't get sick as often, maintain lean muscle mass so you can stay active throughout the day, and live longer into old age with high quality of life.
Benefits of Eating Clean
Eating clean allows your body to live at its best. When you eat nutrient-dense, health-promoting foods, you fuel your cells with the things they need and give them the space they need to function optimally. You can do this by staying away from all processed foods--including anything that comes in a box, package, or bag--and sugar.
Shopping List For A Clean Diet
Eating clean has so many benefits. From feeling energized and satisfied, having healthier skin, looking better in your clothes, and doing something good for your body. However, there are times when you can get stuck in a rut with little time or creative ideas on what you should make. A shopping list of staples that I always keep in my kitchen helps me stay on track with my diet without feeling overwhelmed or like I'm depriving myself of pleasure food!
Meal Plans For Clean Eaters
A clean eater should also balance their diet with proteins, fats, and complex carbohydrates that include fiber and vitamins. Lean proteins come from poultry, seafood, eggs, and beans; fats are usually found in nuts and avocados; carbohydrates can be found in sweet potatoes or brown rice.
Tips For Making The Switch
A lot of people give up on trying to eat healthily, but it's possible. The only way you will know if it's right for you is by giving it a shot. Remember that there are many different diet plans and all offer different benefits, so pick the one that makes sense for your lifestyle.
Some Recipes To Try
Today, we're sharing five of our favorite recipes from some of our favorite Food Network shows.
1. Italian Sausage and Vegetable Soup
2. Chocolate Whoopie Pies with Whipped Cream Icing
3. Dilled Tuna in Whole Wheat Pita
4. Black and White Fudge
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